6 Things To Live By In 2023 | Girl Boss Guide To Happiness & Success 

With the new year already here, many people want to change overnight, but I think it’s adding things to our routines that make us thrive and feeling productive that can change our mindsets. My mindset at the end of 2022 was very burnout but feeling hopeful that I could make anything I wanted to happen, happen. This year’s motto is “Make It Happen” – More than ever before. 

Read More Books 

I started getting on a reading kick this past year towards the end, and all I got for Christmas were books. I was really easy to shop for this past year. It started with CoHo and it’s now a downward spiral into all things reading. I found that my favorite moments of the day were when I would sit on my couch with a fuzzy blanket, grab my reading light, and escape for 2 hours and not realize the two hours had passed by. I loved being sucked into a book that I had no idea I was going to be on a journey with. It was surprising and relaxing. Just what I needed after long days of work and stress. It helped me relive all my stress and focus on something fun and exciting. My goal is a read 50 books this year. That is a lot for someone who doesn’t read that fast, but I will try because of how much I loved the feeling of letting go and taking time for me. 

Prioritizing Self Care 

Self Care is on most people’s lists to finally take care of themselves. I added prioritizing self care because it’s not just a skincare routine, but it’s also a healthy routine. I wanted to take time in the morning to put on my makeup and do my hair before going to work. Make my lunch for work ahead of time so I’m not starving at the desk and paying for food every day. Reading more and taking my eyes off the screen. I am realizing this year self care is more than just skincare. It’s prioritizing what makes you feel good and having a set routine that can help me feel happy.

Make Plan Into Action 

For several years I have talked, and talked, and talked about having a business. This year I am ready to take it and run with it. I want to start my event planning company, my motivation speaking, my sessions on how to do social media, opening a boutique with my mom and so much more. I want to start what I am genuinely passionate about. There are so many doors that have opened and I’ve been afraid to step into them because of my fear of failure. Sometimes we have to just take it one step at a time and just do it.  This is the year I make a plan and put it into action. How I will do it is by smart goals and putting a plan together to make the dreams a reality.

Find Several Modes of Income 

With a Girl Boss State of Mind, it’s important to have multiple modes of income. Something I anticipate on doing is when I start my business, that it would be my multiple modes of income. For example, at the current moment, I have my day job, Poshmark, influencing and brand deals as part of my modes of income. The grind doesn’t stop at just those, I want to find more this year and help reach my financial goals of possibly making this world of influencing my full time job one day. 

More Productivity 

There is something about being productive and crossing off multiple things on a to do list that make me feel so organized and put together. On a list it may say “walk 30 minutes, put out clothes for tomorrow, make lunch for tomorrow, plan out outfits for content shoot, make bed”. It’s the little wins for me! I want to make realistic to do lists per day, helping increase my productivity and celebrating those wins. I am starting back up my masters classes this month, along with consistently blogging, posting on Instagram, creating content, working with brands, working my full time job, and still prioritizing myself. It’s important with all these things that are happening that sticking to a plan and a list can help increase productivity. 

Romanticize Everything 

When I decided to add this last minute to my vows for the year, I wanted to romanticize doing activities that I enjoy and taking in the small things. For example, grabbing a coffee from the local coffee shop and reading a nice book along with it or making heart shaped ice cubes for my iced coffee at home or going to the hair salon and taking yourself out on a date alone. It’s about taking time for you and being there for yourself. Prioritize YOU. Buy yourself flowers. Buy yourself that smoothie. Take a little extra time in the morning to put on your makeup and curl your hair for YOU. The things you find exhausting in the day, like making your bed. Romanticize it. You’ll see how your mindset and outlook change for the better. 

These are all things I am taking into my life as my Girl Boss Guide to Happiness & Success. From self care, to romanticizing mundane tasks, to setting goals and planning your dreams, it all can help you be a better you. 

I hope these things to live by helped you see how you can live a better 2023. I look forward to making so many memories this year on my blog! 


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